
Weathering the Storm

I wanted to say "Thank You" to all my friends and clients from all over who have called me since Thursday to see how I was doing after the tornado that came through Windsor. Your show of concern and your calls have meant soooooo much to me.

The studio has suffered some damage from the wind and hail, thankfully the tornado missed us, and it will be a while until things are back to normal but we are still open for business and still able to handle portrait sittings, consultations and fulfill orders, just maybe not in the studio itself for now.

I really do think of myself as lucky. Yes, my studio and car suffered some damage but Jackson (my puppy who was with me in the studio on Thursday) and I are safe and I still have four walls and a roof, leaky though it is, over my head. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those who were less fortunate than I was this past Thursday.

If you would like to help or donate to Windsor's recovery please contact the Red Cross Centennial Chapter, the United Way of Weld County or the Weld Food Bank.



Composites of some of our recent seniors.