(online gallery to come)How much fun was this? I have to admit I had nightmares about wearing jeans to photograph a wedding. Even though I was asked to wear them, I was sure I was going to show up and find the bride and groom in formals. But thank fully that wasn't the case. Alicia was perfect. She was calm, collected & casual in her pressed white cotton corset that looked elegant with her jeans. Accented perfectly with her bouquet. I am thrilled that I had the chance to work with Alicia & Paul. Alicia was the maid of honor in a wedding I had previously photographed. It was such a compliment that her mother called and booked me long ago, no questions asked, because "Alicia had asked that it be Nicole with Contemporary Photography and no one else." ahhh goosebumps... Soo, they were married on July 4th in Scotland. A whirlwind week later they had their heartfelt and tearful blessing ceremony in the states in the beautiful countryside of Wyoming. With half of the guests being from Scotland they wanted to show them the slow down-home side of life on a portion of her families 500+ acres. Complete with hayrides and carriage service by S Ventures the day was perfect.I had so much fun!! Thank you Alicia & Paul!(Special Thanks to my Rockstar Photographer Trooper)