
Upcoming Releases and Reminders

Wow is it really almost the end of July? Summer has flown by and we are busy here at Contemporary Photography. We are starting to book into September & October for Family & Senior High School portraits. We have lots of openings left but we recommend that you get your name on the list to take advantage of the great fall colors!

Albums aren't just for weddings anymore. We are really excited about all of the great new products that we are offering as we work to expand our product line. There are some really cool options along with various types of albums we also have coffee table books in all sizes all the way down to a cute little pocketbook size. Dad you can even pop one in your briefcase. We are also offering many greeting card options using images from your sessions. These are great for Engagements, Holiday's, Birth Announcements, Business Promos, Postcards, etc. Looking for something special? Let us know, we can help.


Summer Theme Day '06 A HIT!!

We had so much fun with our beach set for this years Summer Theme Day! We hauled in tons of sand to create a realistic set. The expressions on the little ones faces was completely priceless. They could not seem to figure out how all that sand got inside. Everyone looked terrific and all wore varieties of red, white & blue.

One of the greatest parts of what I do is getting to see my clients and their children as they grow. I believe it is such an honor to have the opportunity to capture images of them as they grow and change.

Like this little guy for example. His Mommy brought him in for Spring Theme Day. He wasn't so sure about the live bunnies and ducks but he was a trooper. This time he brought his buddy along and seemed to handle the spotlight just fine.

Thank you to everyone who came. We can't wait to see everyone at the next Theme Day in the Fall. Watch for details.



Sisters are pretty cool. When we are together nearly all of the time sometimes we forget to take the time to capture special moments, phases, ages, looks, & styles. Sometimes years pass by and before you know it you have missed so many opportunities. These young ladies wanted to surprise Mom & Dad with some pictures that would hopefully make them melt when they saw them as they had not had pictures of the three of them taken in some time.

I had so much fun with this photo shoot. We captured some of the most powerful images.